Fredericton Trap and Skeet Shoot Times
Summer hours - May to September
Tuesdays from 4:30pm Sporting Clays. We have two separate 100 bird sporting clay courses!
The 12 station White course features gentler targets
The 12 station Yellow course features targets that are a little spicier!
Wednesdays Trap and Skeet are available after 5pm.
Open Sunday's year round for Trap and Skeet
Sunday's Trap and Skeet are available from 12-4pm.
Prospective Members
For anybody looking to enjoy the sport of shooting, no matter what their experience, there can be no better place to come than Fredericton Trap and Skeet.
If you want to try out shooting please use the contact form or stop by on any open day for a chat. You do not need to own a firearm we can lend one to you to give the sport a go. Get in touch!
How To Find Us
We are located 16 km west of the TransCanada highway. (NB-640, Hanwell, NB, E3E 2L5). The 300 Acre property is located about halfway between the Mazerolle Sett. Rd and Yoho Lake and is clearly marked with a sign.
GPS coordinates are 45.833193 – 66.821840
2025 Preferred Hotel Rates for Visitors
Fredericton Inn
Address: 1315 Regent St, Fredericton, NB E3C 1A1
Phone: (506) 455-1430
The rate is $115.00 + tax for a standard room (1 or 2 beds) and is in effect to December 31, 2025.
Rate Code: FTSC
Atlantic Shooting Schedule 2025
Download a copy of the entire 2025 Atlantic Canada Shooting Schedule "HERE"
For a list of Atlantic Canada Shooting Clubs & Ranges Contact Info Click "HERE"
Corporate Events
Whether you are hosting a team bonding day, launching a new product, holding a training meeting, organising a charity day or any other event, we’re a flexible venue with plenty of facilities for your use, before enjoying a challenging and fun shooting experience.
Please use our contact form for more information.